Day 0
Complete Your {{technology}} Integration
Hi {{first_name}},
We’ve been working with different departments to automate and streamline any documentation process, allowing it to start and stay in {{technology}}.
{{technology}} customers who work with us are solving for problems such as:
Spending too much time rekeying data
Errors created from copying/pasting boilerplate language from other systems
Having a high number of templates being used for each sales agreement
Difficulty keeping track of edits (redlining) and version control
Which of the above is the biggest challenge for you?
Let me know if you’d be interested in hopping on a call, even if it’s solely informational.
Thank you, John Doe
Day 5
Re: Complete Your {{technology}} Integration
Hi {{first_name}},
Are the resources I’ve provided valuable to you? If I should be reaching out to someone else to discuss digitizing and automating your contracts, and other agreements/approvals please let me know.
For context, typically we help accelerate your time to revenue, improve customer experience and ensure auditability and compliance with the following..
Procurement – purchase orders, SOWs, MSAs, RFP sign offs, supplier agreements
Sales – order processing, account provisioning, special terms, partner and reseller agreements
Legal – contracts, NDAs, internal compliance, M&A, Contract Lifecycle Management
HR – offer letters, on-/off-boarding, employee policy distribution, benefits
Would you be open to discussing how DocuSign can help digitize your paper processes?