Day 0
DocuSign x {{company_name}}
Hi {{first_name}},
Nice to e-meet you, I received your interest in acquiring an enterprise DocuSign plan for e-signature at {{company_name}}.
I would like to understand your business requirements, and share more with you.
Are you free for a call anytime today? I will send over a calendar invite after you confirm your availability.
Click here to book a meeting with me!
Warm regards,
John Doe | Agreement Cloud Consultant (APAC) | DocuSign
m: +65 8888 9999
Day 1
Re: DocuSign x {{company_name}}
Hi {{first_name}},
Any updates on below?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Click here to book a meeting with me!
John Doe | Agreement Cloud Consultant (APAC) | DocuSign
m: +65 8888 9999
📹 Demo call
Day 2
Invitation: DocuSign x {{company_name}} {{first_name}}
Hi {{first_name}}, Thanks for your time earlier, and for sharing your business requirements at {{company_name}}.
As discussed, I will be connecting you to my accounts director, Jane, who will be sharing more about our corporate plans and pricing.
Thank you, and we look forward to speaking again.
📹 Discussion call
Day 3
{{company_name}} & DocuSign
Hi {{first_name}},
Nice speaking with you yesterday.
As discussed, other than our eSign solution, our CLM solution might be of greater value to you.
Our CLM solution primarily helps with the contract negotiations across multiple external and internal parties such as legal, sales etc. The solution helps with redlining, tracking changes, version control and managing contract expiry dates.
Here are some resources
Let me know if this is something that you would be keen to explore further.
Feel free to use this {{link}} to schedule in a chat!
Jane Doe | Account Director | DocuSign
Phone: +65 8888 9999
Day 8
Re: {{company_name}} & DocuSign
Hi {{first_name}},
Hope you are well.
Following up on Jane’s email below, do let us know if these resources are helpful or relevant for your business requirements at {{company_name}}.
Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Click here to book a meeting with me!
Warm regards,
John Doe | Agreement Cloud Consultant (APAC) | DocuSign
m: +65 8888 9999