Day 0
Text Analysis for {{company_name}}
Hey {{first_name}},
I noticed that you signed up with us, and we are big {{company_name}} fans.
It looks like the team there has text to analyze. To help you get started with some best practices around topic, sentiment, keywords and more, check out our Guide to Text Analysis.
We work with many customer facing teams helping them generate insights – what text data are you working with?
Cheers, John
PS – check out our free WordCloud Generator, where you can paste in text and get a quick visual.
John MonkeyLearn. No-code text analysis.
Day 1
Text analysis in spreadsheets?
Hi {{first_name}},
By the way, if you are analyzing your text manually, check out our Google Sheets Add-on or Excel options to analyze rows by keywords, sentiment and more.
If you want to analyze new data automatically, you can use a custom workflow to automatically tag and report on new insights with your own criteria.
Are you interested in a quick chat to see how you can set it up?
Day 7
Three strikes, and then you automate
Hi {{first_name}},
When should you automate a manual process? We are talking about text analysis, but we can lean on best practices from the software world.
Developers live by these rules:
The first time you do something, just do it by hand.
The second time you do something similar, wince at the repetition and do it anyway.
The third time you do something similar, you automate.
We know what it’s like to have to see the same manual text process over and over – the repetition is draining.
You signed up recently, so what are you trying to automate?
Please fill me in,
Day 12
What about that text to analyze?
Hey {{first_name}},
You have a steady stream of text to analyze, and there is a much better future out there for teams that are struggling to tag things manually.
We haven’t been able to help you get started, is automating this no longer a priority?
Thanks in advance for the update, John